Saturday, April 12, 2014

Twitter Tirades & Tidings (3T 1)

Occasionally I'll go out of my way in little rants on that Tweeter thing.  Or I share some cool information that I think is either worth knowing or is just neat.  Figure I'll post those up here as well, for anyone not following my Twitter.  But also so I have them archived and more easily accessible than having to scroll down my Twitter page to find them.  So, without further ado, I give you Twitter Tirades & Tidings #1.

Context: I recently saw the new title card for and upcoming episode featuring someone's review of Red Hood & The Outlaws  (I'll still be reviewing it in May, don't worry).  I scrolled down through the comments to see people tear it to shreds...and no one was.  There were some people who clearly didn't like the thing and wanted to see the reviewer do it but no one was actively attacking it themselves.  Which is fine.  But then there was this one guy and...well...

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